Kent County

Kent CAMRA's Tasting Panel

Beer Judging Training - London

Looking for something to do on Saturday, 5th October? Come and judge some of the beers that were shortlisted in either of:

  • This year's Final of CAMRA's National Champion Bottle Beer of Britain Competition.
  • The London & South East Competition.

And get some beer tasting training while you do it!


CAMRA's Tasting Panels have a vital role to play.
Tasting Panels write unbiased beer descriptions that are published in our landmark Good Beer Guide and our online webapps. By default, Panels monitor the ever-changing British beer scene. They also identify great beers for CAMRA’s annual Champion Beer of Britain competition.

Kent Tasting Panel’s approach is fun first.
We aim to visit a Kent brewery every month to meet the brewer and taste their brews. Our online Beer Club is held every third Wednesday of the month. We also hold tasting sessions at beer festivals, tag along on branch socials and meet up with members at local pubs all over Kent.

What do Tasting Panel members have to do?
Once trained you record your observations as you smell and taste beer in good condition. Upload your report, replenish glass and repeat. You can also volunteer to organise events.

How do I become a Tasting Panel member?
The first step is to make contact and come along to one of our tasting events. See our diary below. We will coach you through the beer tasting process so that you are confident enough to submit tasting cards on your own. If you want to continue we will adopt you onto the Tasting Panel and you can contribute at your leisure. To progress further, attend a Taste like a Pro session and submit 12 tasting cards. Jane Peynton’s video shows us how to taste beer.

CAMRA has an excellent library for understanding everything about beer.

For all Kent enquiries contact our Kent Tasting Panel Chair: Jona Jewitt at ku.gro.armac.tnek@gnitsatreeb

Kent CAMRA's Beer Tasting Panel Reports

Kent Beer Tasting Panel Report. September 2024
Kent Beer Tasting Panel Report. July 2024
Kent Beer Tasting Panel Report. May 2024
Kent Beer Tasting Panel Report. Spring 2024
Kent Beer Tasting Panel Report. November 2023

Events list.

A brief overview of Kent CAMRA Tasting Panel activities. See the Google Calendar for full details.

  • Events will be posted here.